The Sacral Chakra, or Swadhisthana in Sanskrit is a second chakra of the chakra energy system. This chakra is located in the lower abdomen just below the coccyx or tailbone and is primarily connected with how we enjoy life and aspects of our openness and creativity. It is a seat of pleasure, passion and our creative energies. The color of the second chakra is orange, and it is associated with the element is water. It is primarily connected with emotional responses and regulation and is often referred to as the seat of emotions. It is also associated with the sense of taste and with reproductive function.
When this chakra is balanced we are able to experience intimacy and love freely and fully. We are able to to be honest and non-judgmental about our desires, and to live as your authentic self without fear. From a physical health perspective, balanced second chakra can also prevent more serious problems such as infertility, ectopic pregnancies or multiple miscarriages, prostate and testicular diseases, endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
When this chakra is balanced we are able to experience intimacy and love freely and fully. We are able to to be honest and non-judgmental about our desires, and to live as your authentic self without fear. From a physical health perspective, balanced second chakra can also prevent more serious problems such as infertility, ectopic pregnancies or multiple miscarriages, prostate and testicular diseases, endometriosis and ovarian cysts.
Some questions for your journaling around Sacral Chakra:
- What is attractive to you?
- How does it guide the way you live your life?
- How attractive do you feel? Do you love your body?
- Are you confident about your self-image? Or do you doubt yourself often?
- Do you feel ruled by your emotions? Or are you emotionally aware and conscious?
- Are you often indulging in life’s little pleasures to the point of losing balance?
- Or do you enjoy each experiences through a healthy moderation and self-discipline ?
- Can you balance passion and personal discipline?
- Do you feel expressed in your passion for life?
- Are you feeling alive most of the time? Or does life feel dull and unexcited?
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Circle with crescent
Petals of the lotus: Six
Rights: To feel, to want
Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles
Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
Psychological function: Movement and connection
Identity: Emotional
Developmental stage: 6 months - 2 years
Challenge: Guilt
Plane: Astral plane
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Circle with crescent
Petals of the lotus: Six
Rights: To feel, to want
Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles
Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
Psychological function: Movement and connection
Identity: Emotional
Developmental stage: 6 months - 2 years
Challenge: Guilt
Plane: Astral plane
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
Tips for balancing Sacral Chakra:
1. Relax near water
Since the sacral chakra’s element is water, getting outside and relaxing near open water can help open your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean are all useful. If possible, wade in or dangle your feet in the water to help the energy flow. Taking a bath or a shower can also contribute to balancing your chakra while providing the relaxation needed to keep your emotions flowing.
2. Meditation
Meditation is very useful for chakra cleansing and balancing in general. To balance sacral chFor example, a simple sacral chakra healing meditation consists in envisioning an orange lotus or orange crescent moon in the area of the second chakra in the pelvis area. Hold that image in your mind for a few minutes while breathing deeply.
Since the sacral chakra’s element is water, getting outside and relaxing near open water can help open your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean are all useful. If possible, wade in or dangle your feet in the water to help the energy flow. Taking a bath or a shower can also contribute to balancing your chakra while providing the relaxation needed to keep your emotions flowing.
2. Meditation
Meditation is very useful for chakra cleansing and balancing in general. To balance sacral chFor example, a simple sacral chakra healing meditation consists in envisioning an orange lotus or orange crescent moon in the area of the second chakra in the pelvis area. Hold that image in your mind for a few minutes while breathing deeply.