The Root Chakra, or Muladhara is the first chakra of the chakra energy system. This chakra provides the energetic foundation of your body and mind; is based on the earth element responsible for our grounding and feeling safe providing a foundation on which we built our life. This chakra creates a center and foundation of our energetically awakening. It is where the feeling of survival/safety/security is rooted; it is the seat of the human instincts which have evolved to keep us alive - our animalistic & Instinctual behavior.
Muladhara grounds us, gives us the energy to endure the ups and downs of life and it connects us with Mother Earth. The survival mechanism of “fight or flight” is located here. The Root is where we develop trust vs. mistrust about our place in the world. When Muladhara is balanced we feel balanced ourself and no matter where we are we feel at ease, safe and grounded. We also feel confident in terms of who we are, confident about sharing our beliefs and view points. On another hand, when this chakra is out of balance we may feel restlessness (chakra is deficient) or feeling sluggish and depressed (chakra is excessive).
Muladhara grounds us, gives us the energy to endure the ups and downs of life and it connects us with Mother Earth. The survival mechanism of “fight or flight” is located here. The Root is where we develop trust vs. mistrust about our place in the world. When Muladhara is balanced we feel balanced ourself and no matter where we are we feel at ease, safe and grounded. We also feel confident in terms of who we are, confident about sharing our beliefs and view points. On another hand, when this chakra is out of balance we may feel restlessness (chakra is deficient) or feeling sluggish and depressed (chakra is excessive).
Some questions for your journaling around Root Chakra:
- What belief patterns and superstitions have I inherited from my family?
- Do I nurture myself properly - both with food AND with healthy ideas and impressions?
- Did I have trauma early in life that taught me that the world is not safe for me?
- Do I often feel as though I don’t “belong”?
- Am I able to maintain healthy relationships? Do I let go of ones that have proved to have a negative impact on me or do I remain involved?
- Do I feel safe and secure in the world?
- Do I trust that my needs will be met or do I fear going hungry or destitute?
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red. Red has the densest vibration of all the colors, and is the most stimulating. It immediately pulls your attention; think of how you feel when you see a stop light, or blood. The root chakra signals warnings and dangers immediately, and we act accordingly. It is life force, courage, and vitality.
Element: Earth
Pattern of energy: 4 petal lotus
Mantra: LAM
Shape: Yellow square (represents the 4 corners/directions)
Age: Womb to 1 year
Female energy: Dakini
Male energy: Ganesh
Animal: Black elephant
Sense: Smell
Basic activity: Elimination
Positive emotions: Security, loyalty, sense of community, connection
Negative emotions: Fear, prejudice, blind faith, aggression
Shadow/demon: Fear
Basic right: To be here. To exist.
Principals: Pride and ego
Physical: Skeletal system, auto-immune function, bowles, teeth; Adrenal glands
Consciousness: Being rooted in present moment; unaware of outside world
Musical note: C
Traumas/Abuses that cause Root imbalances: Physical abuse/violations, major surgeries or illnesses, inherited & transgenerational trauma, neglect, abandonment, needs not being met as a child.
Color: Red. Red has the densest vibration of all the colors, and is the most stimulating. It immediately pulls your attention; think of how you feel when you see a stop light, or blood. The root chakra signals warnings and dangers immediately, and we act accordingly. It is life force, courage, and vitality.
Element: Earth
Pattern of energy: 4 petal lotus
Mantra: LAM
Shape: Yellow square (represents the 4 corners/directions)
Age: Womb to 1 year
Female energy: Dakini
Male energy: Ganesh
Animal: Black elephant
Sense: Smell
Basic activity: Elimination
Positive emotions: Security, loyalty, sense of community, connection
Negative emotions: Fear, prejudice, blind faith, aggression
Shadow/demon: Fear
Basic right: To be here. To exist.
Principals: Pride and ego
Physical: Skeletal system, auto-immune function, bowles, teeth; Adrenal glands
Consciousness: Being rooted in present moment; unaware of outside world
Musical note: C
Traumas/Abuses that cause Root imbalances: Physical abuse/violations, major surgeries or illnesses, inherited & transgenerational trauma, neglect, abandonment, needs not being met as a child.
Tips for balancing Root Chakra:
1. Get yourself out in the nature
Considering the fact that root chakra is connected with the element of Earth, spending time surrounded by nature is always the best way of balancing this chakra. Try to take yourself outside for walks and uninterrupted time perhaps on the beach or in the park listening to birds, feeling the sunshine on the skin and enjoying the gentle breeze on your skin.
2. Get barefoot in nature
To find even more connection with the nature take your shoes and socks off and allow yourself to connect with Mother Earth directly through your feet.
3. Try to add short 5 minutes a day grounding meditation each morning
Allow yourself to start a day with simple 5 minutes of silent morning meditation.
Considering the fact that root chakra is connected with the element of Earth, spending time surrounded by nature is always the best way of balancing this chakra. Try to take yourself outside for walks and uninterrupted time perhaps on the beach or in the park listening to birds, feeling the sunshine on the skin and enjoying the gentle breeze on your skin.
2. Get barefoot in nature
To find even more connection with the nature take your shoes and socks off and allow yourself to connect with Mother Earth directly through your feet.
3. Try to add short 5 minutes a day grounding meditation each morning
Allow yourself to start a day with simple 5 minutes of silent morning meditation.